Pal Med Service Activities and offered Services

Pal Med Service as a health insurance management company is one of the companies specialized in administration of the health and dental insurance programs under the TPA method for insurance companies and health insurance self-funding which is keen to provide its services in a professional manner performed by highly skilled staff of physicians, pharmacists and employees who have long experience in this area. The main services are as follows:-

Medical Network

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The Medical Network includes all specializations and covers hundreds of medical professionals, which are geographically well-distributed, covering all Palestinian regions. Users of PAL Med Service can also use the Jordan Med Service when they join this service.


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Developing a medical network with top-notch medical services across the West Bank and Gaza, ensuring speedy and smooth treatment process outside or inside hospitals, and dealing with inquiries or complaints in an objective, serious and confidential manner.

Insurance companies and self-financing funds

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Minimizing medical costs, ensuring the recipient’s identity as well as his right to treatment, and securing the user’s data.

Complaints & Enquiries Department

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PAL Med Service logs and monitors approval requests and complaints on the company's computer systems. Besides, solutions to complaints are logged and forwarded to the contractor with documentation.

Important notes to PAL Med Service users

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Each user/ patient should present his insurance card and the treatment form to a doctor or any of the authorized medical service providers. This is deemed necessary to receive the required medical service. Any costs of medical treatments by unaccredited doctors in approved or non-approved hospitals are incurred by the patient. Emergency clinics are allowed in approved hospitals only for emergency cases, according to the approved list.

Quality Department

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The Quality Department operates sound mechanisms and ongoing monitoring according to international standards.


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PAL Med Service makes arrangements for the provision of free training for the contractor's employees to introduce the health insurance management program through the online program and statistical reports to operate and ensure the implementation of the health insurance management contract by both parties. The contractor’s health insurance employees are allowed access to the user database and medical claims to monitor contracts and user performance.
PAL Med Service provides competent employees with health insurance training and keeps the contractor updated with the latest additions to the program.
PAL Med Service provides technical advice to the contractor as required.